Whether you’re a ski enthusiast, snowboarder, or just enjoy winter sports, having the right goggles is essential. Not only do you need the perfect fit so your goggles won’t slide off, but you also need the right lenses for sunny or cloudy days. In particular, understanding VLT (visible light transmission) is key when shopping for goggles. Let’s break down what you need to know about goggles and how VLT will help you choose the right pair for any day on the slopes. 


Choosing Lenses for Sunny Days 

When it comes to sunny days, you want lenses that are darker in color and have a low VLT rating. Low VLT ratings filter out more light while still providing a crystal clear view of your surroundings. Look for lenses with a VLT rating between 5-20%. This range will provide enough protection from bright sunlight without obscuring too much of your vision – allowing you to spot jagged rocks and other obstacles with ease.


Choosing Lenses for Cloudy Days

For cloudy days, look for lenses with a higher VLT rating – between 30-50%. The brighter color of these lenses will allow more light through, which can make it easier to spot subtle changes in terrain and better judge distance. With this type of lens, your vision should be equally clear whether it’s sunny or cloudy outside. 


What is Visible Light Transmission (VLT)?

Visible Light Transmission (or VLT) is simply the amount of visible light that passes through your lens. As mentioned above, lower numbers indicate less visible light passing through while higher numbers indicate more visible light transmitting through the lens material. So when selecting goggles based on weather conditions, pay close attention to the VLT rating before making a purchase.


If you’re skiing or riding in …

… look for a VLT in this range …

… which are typically associated with these goggle lens colors …

Bright, sunny conditions

< 25 %

Platinum, black, red

Partly cloudy, partly sunny conditions

25-50 %

Blue, green, red

Overcast, cloudy or low-light conditions

50+ %

Yellow, gold/copper, amber, rose


Choosing the right goggles can make all the difference when skiing or snowboarding in different weather conditions – especially if you want to be able to take full advantage of what nature has in store! By understanding what kind of lenses work best under different weather conditions – as well as what VLT means when choosing new goggles – you can get ready for any day out on the slopes with confidence!

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